For schools

Bring European Youth Parliament Sweden to your school!
Become an EYP Partner School
To become an EYP Partner School, you need to be an EYP member. When you have registered as a member (it is super easy!), you form a local board at your school with at least two other students. This is done in collaboration with the Regional Board that operates in the area in which your school is located. When the local board is formed and consists of a minimum of three students, EYP Sweden is happy to offer support in organising EYP activities at your school, with all expenses fully covered. As an EYP Partner School you are expected to organise at least one EYP activity a year.
To learn more about how your school can become an EYP Partner School, please contact your Regional Board or the Association Secretary. To learn more about how your school can become an EYP Partner School, please contact the Association Secretary or fill out the contact form.
For Teachers
EYP Sweden engages around 40 schools in the work of the organisation every year, primarily through the National Selection Process. Our organisation is dependent on engaged and enthusiastic students and teachers, and we value the relationships we cultivate with teachers and principals at each school.
What can EYP do for you?
Our educational programme is tailored to suit the national curriculum and aims to add a European perspective to the studies. However, EYP is an educational initiative and our philosophy is that every single individual that comes into contact with us should learn something new from the experience.
During a session, we offer all teachers to participate in a rewarding teachers’ programme. The programme entails visits to museums and institutions, seminars and social activities. All teacher’s programmes are unique and aim to reflect the theme of the session. The programme also creates an opportunity for networking, and teachers who get involved in EYP Sweden receive the opportunity to develop a network of teachers from all over Sweden and Europe.
School Activity: In School Sessions
In-School Sessions are exactly what they sound like: small-scale sessions that take place at your school.They follow the same structure as bigger sessions, with committee work and general assembly. The participants will be students at the school, and you don’t need any previous experience in order to organise a school session. Both teachers and students can initiate hosting a session, and EYP Sweden can help you get started. If you wish to organise a school session, please contact us at!